Madhouse Press is a publisher of limited edition, hand-sewn chapbooks. We are also dedicated to supporting the poetry community by reviewing full-length collections and chapbooks produced by other presses.
Jill Mceldowney is the author of the chapbook Airs Above Ground (Finishing Line Press) as well as Kisses Over Babylon (dancing girl press). She is an editor and cofounder of Madhouse Press. Her previously published work can be found in journals such as Muzzle, Fugue, Vinyl, the Sonora Review and other notable publications.
Caroline Chavatel is the author of White Noises (GreenTower Press, 2019). Her work has appeared in Sixth Finch, AGNI Online, Gulf Coast, Hayden's Ferry Review, Cosmonaut's Avenue, and The Journal, among others. She is also a co-founding editor of The Shore and currently a PhD student at Georgia State University.
You can email us at madhousepress@gmail.com or follow us on Twitter @madhouse_press.
The work of Madhouse would not be possible without the wisdom and guidance from our Board of Advisers: John A. Nieves, Jay Ponteri, Carmen Giménez Smith, and Tony Stagliano. Many thanks also to our letterpress expert Joshua Flores. Check out his amazing work at joshuafloresart.com